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Indian community events abroad are not political events. It is an event where the Prime Minister connects with Indians abroad and has nothing do with politics. Indians abroad have seen the change after the BJP government came to power. They want to get connected with their motherland.
A02- 閭 -鍐扮埥鐑 棻绮? A03- 鐥橀 熸竻锛堢 鐥樹慨澶嶉湝锛? A09- 閭 濠村辜鍎块噾閾惰姳鐑 棻姘? A10- 鏁堥 闃叉殫鐤 矇鍒? A11- 閭 瀹濆疂閲戞按绁涚棻姝 棐. A21- 鍐 鎺ㄨ崘鍖栧 鍝? A22- S. A24- 闊 偊鍫傚 鎬 湶鍠峰墏. B01- 澶 劧缁寸敓绱燙鍜 鍤肩墖 鏂板搧. B02- 鏍艰晩瀚 偆绱ц嚧闈 创鑶? B03- 澶 劧缁寸敓绱燛杞 兌鍥? B05- 閲戝ゥ鍔涚墝鑺 崯杞 兌鍥? B06- 鏍艰晩娑 櫧琛ユ按闈 创鑶? B12- 鎺掓瘨 娑 偁 閫氫究. B13- 鏍艰晩娑 櫧琛ユ按闈 创鑶? B14- 娑 偆 淇濇箍 闃插喕瑁傦紒. B16- 鐢樻补 鑺抽 鍨? B19- 骞宠 琛 鍘? B24- 婊嬪吇淇 娑 攪鑶? B25- 婊嬫鼎鍞囬儴 淇 姢鍞囩汗 澧炲姞钀ュ吇. 鑹惧彾 鑻 弬 鑼舵爲娌? A 闃绘 绮夊埡褰 垚. Middot;鍚 タ鑽 垚鍒嗙殑涓 垚鑽 垨鎴愰噸澶х敤鑽 殣鎮? 鍝 簺椤圭洰鏈 鐑 棬.
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